E-commerce in Belarus and the world
In 2017, the share of online trading in the global volume of retail trade was 10.2%, and by 2021 this figure is projected to increase to 17.5%. Increasing the turnover of online trading is closely correlated with access to the Internet, primarily mobile.
The share of Belarusians who have access to the Internet shows an annual growth of 3-5%
Compared to Belarus, the global growth rate of the share of Internet users is more dynamic
The global structure of Internet users is 50% represented by countries in the Asian region. Although the highest level of Internet penetration in the countries of North America
In terms of the number of Internet users, our country has overtaken its closest neighbors in the face of Ukraine, Russia and Poland.
Belarusian users mainly use the Internet to search for information, entertainment and communication. No more than a third use the world wide web to make purchases
Both offline and online, traditionally more purchases are made by women.
The majority of Belarusian online shoppers are a wide proportion of Internet users aged 16-54
The most active online buyers can be called metropolitan Internet users
In 2018, 1.8 billion of the world's population shopped online, or 23.1% of the global population
If Belarus has a high position in terms of Internet penetration, then in terms of e-commerce it is still inferior to world trends: every second Internet user (on a global scale) is an online buyer; while in Belarus it is every third
Why Belarusian consumers shop online (according to a series of qualitative studies conducted in 2019/2020):

- Save time (everything you need can be bought without leaving home)
- Convenient, comfortable shopping (availability of delivery)
- Online shopping is more profitable than offline (part of the consumer audience believes that online goods are cheaper)
- Online purchases are not only cheaper, but also more thoughtful (it is possible to compare many competitors and choose the best offer for you in terms of price, warranty, assortment)
- When choosing an online store, buyers are guided by its reputation, "promoted", because. it inspires confidence in the store
- The interface of the site is important - a convenient search in the catalog, the ability to compare products with each other, as well as a wide range of
- Product/seller reviews do not have an unambiguous impact (one part of the consumer audience does not trust reviews, while the other makes a choice in favor of the seller or product based on positive online reviews)